Technical assistance for the establishment of Cleaner production concept
It is a support project for a group of industrial enterprises from different sectors to establish a Cleaner production concept aiming to enhance the enterprises’ competitiveness via a better management of their resources and their performance in terms of sustainable development.
At the end of the project, the following specific objectives will have been met:
• The CP methodology is perpetuated at the level of the industrial enterprises;
• Tangible, measurable results are observed within the recipient enterprises (the enforcement of the improvement measures advocated within the framework of the project).
The key stages of the Cleaner production concept
The phases envisaged in this activity are summed up in the following table:
- Identify and detail the different processes within the enterprise.
- Data collection.
- Preliminary estimate of the potential for implementing the CP actions.
- Presenting the pre-assessment results and validating the CP priorities with the enterprises.
- Carrying out an in-depth diagnosis, and generating and prioritizing the CP options.
- Intervention of the leading-edge expertise whether it be specific to the sector or to the energy field.
• A pre-diagnostic report.
• A final technical report.
Implementation period: 18 months.